We are committed to exploring new technologies, testing innovative approaches, and finding creative solutions, recognizing the crucial role of interdisciplinary collaboration.

Selection of Our Publications

  • Dastageeri, H., Schneider, S., Alfakhori, M., and Coors, V.: Hot spots in cities - classifying emotions during physical outdoor activities in urban areas, Geoinfo Week, 14.-17.11.2022, UTM Johor Bahru, Malaysia

  • Alfakhori, M., Dastageeri, H., Schneider, S., and Coors, V.: Occlusion Screening using 3D City Models as a Reference Database for mobile AR-Applications, 7th International Smart Data Smart Cities and 17th International 3D GeoInfo joint conference, 18.10.2022, UNSW Sydney, Australien

  • Alfakhori, M., Dastageeri, H., Schneider, S., and Coors, V.: Using 3D City Models as an Occlusion Mask to overcome the HoloLens limited scanning Range for Outdoor AR- Applications, EuroXR 2022, 14.-16.9.2022, Stuttgart, Germany

  • Schneider, S., Dastageeri, H., Rodrigues, P., and Coors, V.: "I kow how you feel"– Predicting Emotions from Sensors for assisted Pedelec Experiences in smart Cities, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., VI-4/W2-2020, 149–156, 2020.

  • Dastageeri, H., Rodrigues, P., and Silberer, J.: Happy or scared – Detecting Emotions of Pedelec Drivers in urban Areas, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., IV-4/W9, 27–33, 2019.

  • Kohn, L.; Dastageeri, H.; Bäumer, T.; Moulin, S.; Müller, P.; Coors, V. (2018): Hot or not – Identifying emotional "Hot Spots"in the City. In: ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. IV-4/W7, S. 67–73, 2018.

  • Dastageeri, H., Storz, M., Koukofikis, A., Knauth, S., and Coors, V.: Approach and Evaluation of a mobile video-based and location-based Augmented Reality Platform for Information Brokerage, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-4- W1, 151-157, 2016.

  • Dastageeri, H., Storz, M., Coors, V., and Rahman, A.: Mobile Location-based and Video- based Augmented Reality for Guiding and Informing Pilgrims, Regional Conference on Hajj Best Practices 2016 (RCHajj’16), 6.-7.4.2016, USM Penang; Malaysia

  • Dastageeri, H., Storz, M. und Coors, V.: SPIRIT – Videobasierte mobile Augmented Reality Lösung zur interaktiven Informationsvermittlung, Tagungsband DGPF Jahrestagung 2015, Publikationen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation e.V., Band 24, ISSN 0942-2870, pp 288 – 295, 2015

  • Knauth, S., Storz, M., Dastageeri, H., Koukofikis, A. and Mähser-Hipp, N. A., Fingerprint calibrated centroid and scalar product correlation RSSI positioning in large environments, IPIN 2015 Int. Conf. on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, , pp. 1-6, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2015.

  • A. Kampa, H. Dastageeri, M. Storz, V. Coors, U. Spierling: SPIRIT – Ereignisgesteuerte Informationsvermittlung, Inspiration und Unterhaltung im urbanen Umfeld auf Basis mobiler Augmented Reality Technologien, 11. Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe VR/AR, (Tagungsband Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität, Gabriel Zachmann, René Weller, André Hinkenjann (Hg.)), Shaker Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8440-3054-9, pp 49-60, 25.-26.9.2014, Bremen, Germany

  • Nouvel, R., Dastageeri, H., Zirak, M., Eicker, U., Coors, V.: Flächendeckende Heizwärmebedarfsberechnung für Städte auf Basis eines CityGML-Modells am Beispiel der Stadt Ludwigsburg, in E. Seyfert, E. Gülch, C. Heipke, J. Schiewe, M. Sester (Hrsg.) Publikationen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation (DGPF) e.V. Band 23, ISSN 0942-2870, 2014

  • Nouvel, R., Zirak, M., Dastageeri, H., Coors, V., Eicker, U. (2014): Urban energy analysis based on 3D city model for national scale applications. In Proceedings BauSIM 2014.

  • Coors, V., Wagner, D. und Dastageeri, H.: SimStadt – Prognosen für ganze Städte, in GIS.Business 1/2014, Wichmann-Verlag, ISSN 1869-9286, pp. 20-22, 2014.

  • Dastageeri, H., Rahman, A.: Towards Crowd Control Solutions for Hajj at 5th National Seminar of Hajj Best Practices on Crowd and Health Issues during Hajj, In Proceedings Of The 5th National Seminar On Hajj Best Practices On Crowd And Health, Hajj Research Cluster, ISBN 978-967-394-161-2, 27.-28.8.2013, USM Penang, Malaysia

  • Dastageeri, H.: Personal Hajj Assistant, 4th National Seminar on Hajj Best Practices through Advances in Science and Technology, 27.- 29.7.2010, USM Penang, Malaysia






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